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Working Smarter Field Guide

Working Smarter Field Guide


Attribution: (c) Jarche H, 2021, retrieved 20/09/2022

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Note captured: 20-09-2022

Bookmark created: 20-09-2022

Highlights from source page

The Changing Nature of Human Work

Routine and standardised work is being rapidly taken over by AI / ML. The jobs which will remain the domain of human intelligence are complex and creative work.

Finding the right information is only part of the challenge of non-standardized work. Sharing complex knowledge requires trusted relationships. People have to trust each other before sharing and only then can they work effectively on difficult problems and take informed action.

Complex non-routine work requires the manipulation of complex knowledge. Finding, learning and adapting such knowledge requires trusted networks.
Sharing new knowledge into those networks is a generative act which strengthens the network and increases individual reputaiton and standing.

Seek > Sense > Share

Harold Jarche's Seek-Sense-Share framework provides a mental model within which to exercise a disciplined yet personal process of information mastery.

Getting started with a sensemaking practice can be daunting. While the Seek > Sense > Share framework is simple to understand, putting it into an everyday context can be difficult.
