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DotNet global tool

Install and use .NET global tools


I think probably the most useful use of DotNet Tools is as way of delivering Personal Software Tools, as once installed they can be used from any folder on your machine.

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Note captured: 08/07/2022

Bookmark created: 08/07/2022

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Install and use a global tool from Nuget

assumes tool you want has been published to Nuget

dotnet tool install --global <toolname>

The --global parameter tells the .NET CLI to install the tool binaries in a default location that is automatically added to the PATH environment variable.

Install and use a global tool from local source

Install the tool from a local the package by running the dotnet tool install command in a project folder:

dotnet tool install --global --add-source <project nupkg folder> <toolname>

The --global parameter tells the .NET CLI to install the tool binaries in a default location that is automatically added to the PATH environment variable.
The --add-source parameter tells the .NET CLI to temporarily use the ./nupkg directory as an additional source feed for NuGet packages. You gave your package a unique name to make sure that it will only be found in the ./nupkg directory, not on the site.

Invoke the tool


Update the tool to a later version from Nuget

dotnet tool update -g <toolname>

Remove the tool

dotnet tool uninstall -g <toolname>