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How to Reduce Consumption of "-Analytics" Tables in Microsoft Dataverse

How to Reduce Consumption of "-Analytics" Tables in Microsoft Dataverse (Farooq, 2023)



  • Author: Umar Farooq
  • Full Title: How to Reduce Consumption of "-Analytics" Tables in Microsoft Dataverse
  • Category: #articles
  • Document Note: Dynamics files storage - the email-analytics file type
  • Document Tags: work-todo
  • Summary: Managing Dataverse storage limits can be challenging, especially when unexpected entities bloat the storage size. One way to address this issue is by creating a Power Automate flow to adjust specific entity flags, ultimately reducing file storage significantly. If you need help with storage issues in your Dynamics 365 environment, feel free to reach out for assistance and a health check.
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  • The storage model of Dataverse is broken down into Database (View Highlight)
  • the “email-analytics” entity was bloated with around 80GB of file storage. If you go into the Dataverse storage report, you will not find any " email-analytics " table, not even in advanced find. The reason is that it is not stored in Dataverse but in Azure Data Lake. EntityAnalyticsConfig table/entity reference. (View Highlight)
  • “Sales Insights” Add-on is installed in the environment, and the “Email Engagement” toggle is switched ON from the Sales Insights settings area. (View Highlight)
  • Steps in the flow: 1.       An on-demand flow. 2.       List Rows to get the “Entity Analytics Config”. a.       Filter with the entity you want to update the isenabledfordls flag to false. In my case, it is the “email” entity. 3. Apply to each step and update the isenabledfordls flag to No. Please DO NOT set flags for all entities to FALSE. If you are using the Marketing Cloud like Dynamics Marketing, you might lose all the insights data. Below are the results. The entity completely disappeared from the Dataverse storage analytics, and file storage decreased significantly. (View Highlight)